Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring has Sprung

Spring is finally here and the nice weather is starting to burst forth.  It has been a busy winter and the newsletter was one of the things I just had a hard time getting around to.  I have finally had the chance to sit down and write one to keep us all in touch and aware of the new items that have both arrived and are planned to arrive in the near future.

Planning is fully under way for the 12th Annual Model Railroad Garage Sale this year.  Be sure to take a moment and read about this great event that is coming up fast.

As always if there is a comment or suggestion that you have for the newsletter please forward it along, I am always glad to hear how you would like it changed or improved.

Also, as spring turns into summer, a reminder that our hours start to extend on the weekends.  Hours will continue to be updated here on the site.

Happy Modelling


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